Friday, June 3, 2011

antawn jamison wizards

antawn jamison wizards. Trading for Antawn Jamison
  • Trading for Antawn Jamison

  • Bond007
    Jun 28, 11:21 PM
    Hi all. I seem to be having a few problems with my powermac. Its a 1ghz with 1g of ram and the comp is about 4 months old.

    Heres my problems...

    iTunes: Whenever I use the visualizer it studders every 6 or so seconds. It never did this when I first got it, this problem just accured about a month ago. I thought it would just go away, but no such luck. Any idea's?

    Microphone: I tried USB microphone, i tried the regular mic jack in the back of the comp, and nothing. The comp wont pick it up at all. I've been wanting to use my mic with iChat A/v. This problem is also hapening on my other G4. So I was wondering if maybe there was a setting or something I might be missing? Or is the only option I have the new camera mic from apple for 150.00.???

    Any help would be great. Thanks!!!


    antawn jamison wizards. Antawn, thank you for your
  • Antawn, thank you for your

  • BillyBobBongo
    Mar 11, 06:48 AM
    Whilst I appreciate that you have to have Ads on the site to generate revenue, there have been a few that pop up during the last few weeks with sound in them (I've attached an image of one such ad).

    I actually make Flash based Ads from time to time and the guidelines are always clear that sound shouldn't be playing without either a rollover event or a user interaction.

    I don't suppose you can removed/do something about these...they're really ruining my Pink Floyd.


    Edit: Just seen another thread on this...sorry, I didn't check before posting.

    antawn jamison wizards. captain Antawn Jamison
  • captain Antawn Jamison

  • SideStepSociety
    Apr 27, 04:09 AM
    Okay, so perhaps the title is a bit vague.

    I've enabled the lock rotation/mute switch plist mod on my iPhone 4. However, when using the switch as a rotation lock switch, there's a blank black icon in my multitasking menu where the "Mute on/off" button should be.

    Could somebody SSH/iFile/whatever the icons for the multitasking mute on/off button for me and send them this way? Likely to be in:


    The rotation lock icon is under the name, "RotationLockButton-iphone.png" and "RotationUnlockButton-iphone.png" if that helps at all.

    Thanks a bunch for any help! It'll save me a heck of a lot of grief. Downloading a 600MB file on terrible satellite internet is like pulling teeth.

    antawn jamison wizards. Antawn Jamison, forward with
  • Antawn Jamison, forward with

  • pcmike
    Oct 26, 04:35 PM
    im in line here wearing the green polo shirt and brown shorts.. anyone else here?


    antawn jamison wizards. Antawn Jamison and the Wizards
  • Antawn Jamison and the Wizards

  • Deepdale
    Sep 8, 09:08 PM
    I am leaving the mac world :( I just got a HP computer with a slow celeron and 256 memory. My parents though need a more powerful computer, their 233 mhz beige isn't cutting it. So i am giving them my eMac and using the HP still macs hit intel. This is not going to be fun.

    Contact the Legal Aid Society in Mesa ... there has to be some sort of alternative remedy available to you aside from the draconian step of giving an eMac to parents. A line in the sand has been crossed. Best wishes during the trying times that lie ahead.

    antawn jamison wizards. antawn jamison warriors.
  • antawn jamison warriors.

  • mcdj
    Mar 26, 11:34 AM
    In 4 years, I have read zero accounts of an actual bricking. I have however, read countless overly dramatic stories of botched jailbreaks requiring a simple restore. People over/mis use the word brick almost as much as "fail".


    antawn jamison wizards. Washington Wizards#39; Antawn
  • Washington Wizards#39; Antawn

  • AppleNewton
    May 3, 01:59 AM
    a time capsule server would be nice. dual drives with RAID1 (back up/mirror the 1 drive), raid-0 one big drive, or split -- each drive is independent so you can back up one set of machines to one and store files on the other.

    they need proper ventilation in them for sure, with the powersupply and the wireless cards causing heat on top of the hard drive being a huge heat component its a wonder they havent redesigned it to some degree yet.

    antawn jamison wizards. Wizards Antawn Jamison
  • Wizards Antawn Jamison

  • snberk103
    Aug 4, 09:30 AM
    I didn't see any lights last night. *aww shucks*

    Us either.... though I did see great falling star, and heard some owls.

    ohh welll - so not a complete write off....

    We'll try again tonight.


    antawn jamison wizards. forward Antawn Jamison was
  • forward Antawn Jamison was

  • ForumApple
    Oct 17, 01:33 AM
    Cool! thanks man! I'll try it now!
    hope that works!

    Actually I just got it second hand! too bad the previous user didn't fix it up!

    My local dealer is going to charge me about 55USD for fixing this problem. I can't believe users like us are PAYING the fix for a KNOWN issue. I hope the firmware works! Thanks a lot!!!

    antawn jamison wizards. Antawn Jamison wanted a shot, asked for a shot, got a shot but, unfortunately for him, flopped. When the Wizards started heading down the toilet last season
  • Antawn Jamison wanted a shot, asked for a shot, got a shot but, unfortunately for him, flopped. When the Wizards started heading down the toilet last season

  • eyelikeart
    Jul 7, 09:16 AM
    yeah...I've been around for 2.5 years this month... :D

    time flies, eh?

    so jef...what are u going to do for your 3rd anniversary? ;)


    antawn jamison wizards. star Antawn Jamison at a
  • star Antawn Jamison at a

  • usclaneyj
    Nov 29, 09:50 AM
    Try saving them as .gif instead of .jpeg, and do like others have said regarding your color management options.

    Also, if you are talking about the way that the page previews in Dreamweaver "Design View", I can attest that DW doesn't render color the same way that most browsers will. So it's the in-browser preview that matters most.

    antawn jamison wizards. Antawn Jamison, shipped from
  • Antawn Jamison, shipped from

  • asphalt-proof
    Dec 2, 08:51 PM
    I also sold the exact same machine on eBay in August. I got $1,000 for it.

    I would really like to get that price. I have never sold anything on eBay. How easy is it?


    antawn jamison wizards. Antawn Jamison and his wife
  • Antawn Jamison and his wife

  • philipt42
    Nov 2, 08:17 PM
    Come on, one of the top threads on the music forum is "what are you listening to pt 2"!


    antawn jamison wizards. Wizard Antwan Jamison hit
  • Wizard Antwan Jamison hit

  • robbieduncan
    Apr 24, 08:41 AM
    yep,it's nil,I haven't call it before.
    That would seem to be a problem...

    Dejo,I don't see any problem releasing newView(?)
    This is also a problem.


    antawn jamison wizards. ANTAWN JAMISON / WASHINGTON

  • ScoobyMcDoo
    May 1, 08:40 PM
    If your computers have been paired, then you should be able to see it in the bluetooth preferences pane.

    antawn jamison wizards. for Antawn Jamison.
  • for Antawn Jamison.

  • SamIchi
    Sep 18, 02:11 PM
    its called the trash can! ;)

    I would, but I'm sure someone would like them. The trash would be just a waste. I want to find some used cds too.


    antawn jamison wizards. w:Antawn Jamison playing with
  • w:Antawn Jamison playing with

  • madamimadam
    Oct 17, 01:15 AM
    Try this (!|155862823)

    It might not work but it was all I could find... it does not mention the problem

    antawn jamison wizards. Wizards Jamison gestures after
  • Wizards Jamison gestures after

  • motomullet
    Jan 9, 10:46 PM
    I can't help you on the 2tb drives, but I do have a 1tb western digital green in mine.

    From what I read, some drives need to be throttled to sata 1.5 in order to be recognized. This is done with a jumper on two of the pins next to the sata plug (which pins depends on the drive)

    I believe I have my drive jumpered, and I think I had to reformat it once when I put it in because of the large block size.

    At any rate, its in there, and it works.

    antawn jamison wizards. that sent Antawn Jamison
  • that sent Antawn Jamison

  • Doctor Q
    Oct 16, 08:22 PM
    It loads OK for me if I am patient.

    Doctor Q
    Mar 10, 10:05 AM
    Thanks for the tip about PhoneGap.

    The part I'm least confident about is the networking (mobile devices connecting to the Mac without any of them having Internet access). I'm not a networking expert so I'm unclear what I need to do.

    Feb 10, 09:23 AM
    hmm. That is indeed interesting.
    Almost as interesting as this pictire.

    Jun 20, 10:45 PM
    wow, didn't realize we have dukies here @ MR -_-

    Apr 21, 12:41 PM
    If you use it, that won't happen unless you've already clicked on the video to view it.

    I'd provide a list of forum links, but, y'know.....
    I have ClickToFlash enabled and haven't clicked on any video. Yet, the scrolling stops when it hits the edge of the video.

    Feb 19, 07:26 PM
    Hey guys I was wondering if the OP is a troll?:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

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