Wednesday, June 1, 2011

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  • Hemingray
    Sep 17, 07:55 PM
    Where are you getting this $500 figure? The Dual gig is $2499 and the dual 1.25 gig is $3299.

    I can see your $500 price difference is if you upped the RAM in the dual gig model to 512MB (+$200) and the hard drive to 120 (+$100) to match all the specs of the 1.25 model. Is that what you meant?

    For the extra $500 you get basically an extra 250MHz per processor and an extra 1MB of L3 cache. And bragging rights of having the fastest PowerMac until the next revision. But I never personally purchase the highest model available. I would consider waiting until the benchmark results come out against the two models, that would help to determine if the extra $500 is worth it.

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  • Vylen
    May 5, 05:48 AM
    Turbo Boost effectively lets a processor speed up when it's not using all of its cores by 'shutting off' the cores that aren't in use. Off the top of my head the i5 3.1Ghz can Turbo Boost to 3.4Ghz while the i7 3.4Ghz can run to 3.8Ghz. The real world difference is relatively small but can be worth a couple of frames a second in a game or a few seconds off a benchmark.

    Incorrect. Turbo boost is "dynamic overclocking". Depending on the current number of cores being used and if additional processing power is required, the CPU will slowly increase the clock rate for the currently active cores. It'll do this incrementally until the thermal operating limit of the processor is reached.

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  • job
    Oct 19, 12:42 AM
    Originally posted by MrMacman
    Oh Mr. A will stay up there forever, heck a year might pass and he doesn't post once and he would still be on top.


    What ever happened to AlphaTech?

    gone somewhere else?

    alpha left due to some issues with certain trolls.

    he had different ways of dealing with the bait which partially led to the word-censor and the zero tolerance policy on insults.

    you can find him at his site:

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  • bartelby
    Aug 6, 01:38 PM
    Right! Competition closed, we have a winner!!!

    For an awful second I thought it was going to be e :D


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  • jtara
    Apr 14, 12:33 PM
    Well, by "working off the server" I HOPE you don't mean working off a live HTTP server! That is, I hope they aren't modifying a live web-server in place.

    If you're talking about a fileserver, you are MUCH better off working "off the server". That way, you can enforce backup whether your designers like it or not. If they copy stuff down and back up, you can bet they will squirrel stuff away on their own machine where it will get lost. (Of course, they are going to do this anyway! One strategy is to limit the amount of disk space on their machines...)

    I also hope you have some sort of revision control system in place. Of course you don't. You're a design firm ;)

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  • macingman
    Apr 8, 07:08 PM
    I just purchased one of the otterbox defenders on eBay for my iPhone 4 :D. I was just wondering is anyone would like to tell me some thoughts on the case such as whether they like it or not, some tips for using it, pretty much anything would be helpful.



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  • lee14160
    Jan 7, 04:26 PM
    Love; a very subjective term. :p

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  • madroc
    Jan 9, 06:56 PM
    Thanx mate!
    Do u think there will be any iTunes podcast for MWSF 08 immediately as they post the webcast? hope they don't post it as late like last year.


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  • LouieSamman
    Apr 30, 01:12 AM
    Am I missing something? I get an email everytime someone replies to a thread I've posted in.

    Now what would be nice is if that email had a link to the thread on the regular site and for the mobile site.

    No an email of someone replying to a comment you left in a thread. Not someone who replies to a thread.

    For example you read a thread someone posted and you have a question. So you leave your question within that persons thread. There would be people who would quote your question and answer it. You then get a email of those people who quoted and answered your question.

    Being subscribed to a thread that you left a question on is too much work to always look at all the replies people left to the thread as your waiting for a reply to your comment.

    Sometimes I don't want to waste my time reading the hundreds of comments after my comment and most likely interested only if someone quoted my comment.

    So what would be nice is an option, when subscribing to a thread, to either receive an email every time someone comments to a thread OR someone quoting your comment and replying to it..

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  • TheMonarch
    Dec 20, 06:42 PM
    I dunno if somethings wrong with yours, but mine had a weird aluminum/plastic/electronics smell when I fist got it.

    Went away after a few days of use...


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  • Goldinboy17
    Feb 9, 02:00 PM
    If you like your phone, your provider, post good things about your experiences. This provider battle is growing old fast.... :confused:

    Couldn't agree more. I don't see why you have to hate another network, is their competitor paying you off or what? If you like yours awesome, if you hate another wtf cares?

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  • labman
    Apr 29, 11:33 AM
    To be honest, I don't think the hackers are trying to unlock the newer basebands. Sherif said in December that there would be an unlock for 3.10 Baseband in Mid January, but obviously that hasn't happened. I am very doubtful they will unlock anything after 1.59.00 before the next iPhone is released (iPhone 5).

    He got Involved in the political unrest in his country. Shame on him. I think allot of the hackers are sick of all tge crybabies. At least those that feel intitled to jb/un


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  • Dalton63841
    Feb 7, 10:13 PM
    Just wonderful...Still not as good as this (!5734552/hunter-becomes-hunted-a-fox-shoots-a-man) though...

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  • chrono1081
    Apr 22, 09:21 AM
    Skype is CPU intensive, this causes the MBA to work harder and the fans to spin to keep things cool. Why every week do we have threads on this? The computer hardware is doing what it is supposed to do. Its like saying "I pushed the "high" button on my blender and now the blender is going faster and getting louder".

    I don't mean to sound mean or snippy here its not my intent its just that we have multiple threads like this every day.


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  • viperguy
    Jun 21, 09:11 PM
    I use the US iTunes store but it's not my country, so my international credit card isn't allowed.
    Anyways, I could try ebay too but I don't see many there now.
    Edit: problem solved, thanks for looking anyways!

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  • sidgriffey
    Mar 17, 01:38 PM
    I decided to just install it on my SSD since I want to take advantage of the speed of it. This no longer seems as buggy as it did when I installed Lion a few weeks ago and got rid of it. I can now run the VNC app "iTeleport" without problem!

    Thank you for taking the time to lay out these instructions, as it is invaluable to me as I install for future partitions down the road. Cheers.


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  • afurry13
    Mar 18, 11:00 PM
    not without doing a restore and losing the passcode lock... but then they'll know when the passcode is different.

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  • applemacdude
    Aug 28, 08:01 PM
    Is it the classic moments? The years on teh site? Post count? What is is?

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  • iBlue
    Jan 15, 07:44 AM
    yeah ok, I had a massive brain fart. many pardons.

    Apr 8, 07:00 PM
    There have been Wii's they just sell out fast :o

    Pre-orders don't always work out either. We had one down from September, system launched in December and we had no idea where on the queue we were. So we luckily snatched one from my local Argos (they get 8-15 units every Thursday night) after putting an order on Wednesday.
    I've noticed they start selling out as soon as a new game hits. I managed to get one in January, a friend of mine got his not long after. Then out came a few games and they were sold out again :( my girlfriend accumulated 3 of them... then out popped a few more games.

    Good luck in hunting for one. There's a lot of demand for that little white box :)

    I really hope the shortage doesn't last much longer, this may just end up being the longest one in history for game consoles :/

    I believe the 360 was sold out here for 3 months, the PSP for 1 month. Wii is up to 5, certainly a modern day record.

    Apr 25, 08:38 PM
    i decided to go ahead and buy a current edition MBA....I think the only thing that I want in a new release would be thunderbolt as that could be amazingly useful especially since laptops nowadays don't have express card slots anymore except the 17"....

    Todays model is a great value especially refurbished and will last years for its purpose...

    Jul 12, 02:23 PM
    Magic Orbz FTW if you want to go with a PSN network game; otherwise you gotta go with Final Fantasy VII! :D

    Apr 12, 10:45 AM
    I love my OB Defender. I may try out other cases, but I always come back to the OB Defender. OB Customer Service is one of the best as well. I'm waiting on my new black and white silicons to arrive in the mail due to them stretching out over time.

    Mar 2, 10:02 AM
    This server has always had a static ip and is assigned by my provider as 1 of a block of 5. I don't use the wake on lan and don't allow sleep. It should always be running and always on the static I assigned from my block. It also had not restarted in the middle of the night because the server stats showed it had been up for 44 days. The only change I had made in the past month was turning on airport and set it to join an already active network. I can understand now that there may have been a conflict in the dhcp between a couple of machines but would that have affected the server which has a static number assigned to it? It didn't affect the mail or web server in any way. Just caused the apple tv's and the local machines to forget where the media was since the path they had didn't exist anymore.

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