Thursday, June 9, 2011

nissan skyline gtr 2009

nissan skyline gtr 2009. 2009 Nissan Skyline Gtrnissan skyline gtr 2009. 2009 Nissan Skyline Gtr
  • 2009 Nissan Skyline Gtr

  • sunny1000
    09-15 08:01 PM
    Chandu keeps opening the threads and keeps talking to himself....he is so lonely.

    He is trying to motivate people to go the rally...If you can't go or help in anyway, simply move on...don't whine about the threads...

    Thanks to Chandu and others for the motivation.

    nissan skyline gtr 2009. nissan.skyline.gtr.6.jpgnissan skyline gtr 2009. nissan.skyline.gtr.6.jpg
  • nissan.skyline.gtr.6.jpg

  • JunRN
    12-18 04:16 PM
    What do you mean? An approved I-140 suddenly got reversed decision and was denied? Haven't heard of such cases. Can you please show me the link? thanks!

    nissan skyline gtr 2009. 2009 Nissan Skyline GT-R atnissan skyline gtr 2009. 2009 Nissan Skyline GT-R at
  • 2009 Nissan Skyline GT-R at

  • kanshul
    05-07 08:56 PM
    I used AC21 3 months ago and filled the paperwork with USCIS. No RFE yet but I would not care if I get an RFE as well...

    I think it is best to notify USCIS. I hired Murthy and I don't think they are doing this just to get money. If your case gets messed u say 3-4 yeare later and you end up taking UCSIS in court then this paperwork (which USCIS will most probably do nothing with) will be very helpful.

    nissan skyline gtr 2009. 2009 Nissan Skyline GTRnissan skyline gtr 2009. 2009 Nissan Skyline GTR
  • 2009 Nissan Skyline GTR

  • god_bless_you
    06-14 09:14 PM
    From Today's Lou Dobb's....
    Tonight, congressional leaders are unable to break a deadlock and begin work on an immigration reform compromise. A provision in the Constitution could kill the Senate immigration bill and chances for immigration reform this year.
    LOUISE SCHIAVONE, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): It could be a real procedural holdup or just a good excuse. But for now, immigration legislation is stalled on what could be the road to nowhere.
    Here's the problem...
    SEN. JEFF SESSIONS (R), ALABAMA: A notice has been served on the Senate that a blue slip will be filed, which, in effect, says they will not consider the bill in the House because it has a revenue enhancement in it, a tax provision in it.
    SCHIAVONE: A blue slip is like a legislative traffic ticket. A blue slip would be slapped on the Senate bill because, besides a guest worker program, a wall at the border, punishment for employers who hire illegals, and so on, the measure includes tax provisions, including one requiring illegal aliens to pay back taxes and another making U.S. workers overseas pay more taxes than they do now.

    What's wrong with that? The Constitution says tax laws start in the House, not in the Senate. The same way, for example, that it's the Senate, not the House that confirms judges and cabinet secretaries.

    REP. TOM TANCREDO (R), COLORADO: If they shot the Senate bill over here, it would be shot down in about a heartbeat simply because, for one thing, no revenue-raising bill can originate in the Senate. There's a constitutional problem.

    So it can be stopped. I mean, they can try it. Have them send it. That's fine with me, because that's the end of it.

    SCHIAVONE: Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist suggests tacking the immigration bill on to a benign House tax bill that's been on the Senate docket so that it has a House bill designation. But Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid wants assurances that no other legislation will hitch a ride on that train. Senator Frist's office says he has offered those assurances.


    SCHIAVONE: And Kitty, it gets even more complicated than that. Congressman Tancredo says that lawmakers on both sides of the Capitol went home for Memorial Day and heard lots of protests about that Senate immigration bill and the eventual amnesty it offers, leaving some on Capitol Hill to wonder if in this election year it might just be better to let the clock run out on this session of Congress and start fresh next year -- Kitty.

    PHILLIPS: Interesting stuff. Thanks very much. America's opinions on illegal immigration and border security should affect the legislation Congress adopts and the one that President Bush signs. In his news conference this morning, however, President Bush explained the crucial role of public opinion in a democracy.

    Senator Jeff Sessions says the Senate ignored the will of the people in passing an amnesty bill for illegal aliens that would cost taxpayers tens of billions each year. A CBO report Sessions commissions says that the bill will also do nothing to stop illegal aliens entering this country. I asked Senator Sessions what the purpose of the Senate immigration bill is, if not to stop the flow of illegal aliens?


    SEN. JEFF SESSIONS (R), ALABAMA: That was the purpose, but the CBO numbers are based on the Senate bill. And they say, in a fact, there's no change in illegal immigration for 10 years. It would be 700,000 to 900,000 a year. If anything, that's certainly no less and maybe more than the current rate. So it really belies the argument that this bill is going to make any progress on enforcement. It certainly does not appear to.

    PILGRIM: What does that say about the value of this bill, sir?

    SESSIONS: Well I think it again is another indication that it is unacceptable, that it's terribly flawed, should never become law and will not do what it promises. It promises to enforce the border. And that's proven to be false. I think I've already said that, but the CBO confirmed it. Workplace enforcement is not there. And the future flow plans to allow millions coming in in the future at a much higher rate are just unprincipled and not valuable, not good for the United States. So we definitely need to review this legislation.

    PILGRIM: House Speaker Dennis Hastert has said that he wants to take a long look at this bill and potentially hold hearings. Do you think hearings are appropriate? They're certainly not normal.

    SESSIONS: No, they're not normal. But you know, the House has none of this so-called comprehensive approach to immigration. Theirs was focused primarily on enforcement. And so if they're going to consider the comprehensive bill at all, they absolutely should study it. We never had enough hearings in the Senate. This bill just basically came up and moved through with very few hearings directly related to the gray issues on immigration.

    We just didn't discuss the real important issues in any significant way. For example, we've never considered whether or not we ought to adopt what Canada does, and that is to have a point system. Why haven't we even discussed that? It seems to me it makes an awful lot of sense.

    PILGRIM: All right, you know, could this immigration reform bill be hammered out behind closed doors with the congressional leadership? Do you see it going that way?

    SESSIONS: Well, that's a very dangerous thing. The American people's confidence in the government on a question of immigration is very low. They're very cynical. And if anyone thinks they can hammer out a bill and then ram it through without the American people being alerted, I think they're in for big trouble and just further erode public confidence in what we're doing.

    PILGRIM: The Senate -- procedurally the Senate bill has to be attached to a House bill to avoid a constitutional issue. Would you support a unanimous consent to send to it the House?

    SESSIONS: You know, I haven't made a decision about that. My personal view is we need to discuss this bill more. No one senator can block a bill from being considered, but can provide an opportunity for more debate. So we'll be looking at that.

    PILGRIM: And timetable-wise, if this doesn't get to the House and Senate by August 1st, do you think it will make it at all in this session?
    SESSIONS: You know, it may not. Then again, something could happen. But from what I'm hearing from the House, that they're so concerned about the viability of the comprehensive language in the Senate bill, not that they're so against the comprehensive bill, but just that they are uneasy and unaccepting of what we've done, then I think it's got a long way to go to become law, frankly.


    nissan skyline gtr 2009. The Nissan GTR picturesnissan skyline gtr 2009. The Nissan GTR pictures
  • The Nissan GTR pictures

  • EADchallenged
    08-21 11:03 AM
    The schedule / calendar only shows the immigration hearings.

    nissan skyline gtr 2009. Nissan Skyline GT-R Conceptnissan skyline gtr 2009. Nissan Skyline GT-R Concept
  • Nissan Skyline GT-R Concept

  • ps57002
    09-15 10:20 PM
    Enough of taking whatever crap employer gives us...time to stand up...time to be in NOW


    nissan skyline gtr 2009. Long known as the Skylinenissan skyline gtr 2009. Long known as the Skyline
  • Long known as the Skyline

  • coolpal
    02-09 10:02 AM
    ****SPAM ALERT!!!*****
    Block the posts from the new spammer member "iamlove649". He/It is posting messages with some advertising at the end to all the threads...

    pal :)

    nissan skyline gtr 2009. Nissan Skyline GTRnissan skyline gtr 2009. Nissan Skyline GTR
  • Nissan Skyline GTR

  • KanME
    11-05 03:16 AM
    87 Members ..That is Super...Hope you get to 100 soon...Good Luck Texas IV Team...!


    nissan skyline gtr 2009. 2011 nissan skyline Gtrnissan skyline gtr 2009. 2011 nissan skyline Gtr
  • 2011 nissan skyline Gtr

  • bah9422
    10-17 08:20 PM
    you can expedite your AP by submitting proof of emergency situation like if someone is critically sick back in USCIS and they will give you will need to fax doctors letter and copy of AP receipt takes around 10 days for approval.

    nissan skyline gtr 2009. 2009 Nissan Skyline GT-Rnissan skyline gtr 2009. 2009 Nissan Skyline GT-R
  • 2009 Nissan Skyline GT-R

  • nish
    10-06 08:48 PM
    when you got H1 did you receive new I-94? If yes, then you should have been working with the employer who did your H1 and not L1 employer. If not you should be able to COS to H1 without issues.

    Thanks for your reply....
    I have applied H1 through consulate process so I did not get I-94 . I have H1 approval receipt.
    During COS process ..I will not be working on project so is this become problem for denial of COS status

    Please advice...



    nissan skyline gtr 2009. 2009 Nissan Skyline Gtrnissan skyline gtr 2009. 2009 Nissan Skyline Gtr
  • 2009 Nissan Skyline Gtr

  • seaken75
    11-01 01:36 PM
    The document you have reffered is -->EXTENSION OF REGISTRATION PERIOD

    and this extension is valid till on or before April 25, 2003

    for the following

    And you were last admitted to the United States as a nonimmigrant on or before
    September 30, 2002; and
    � If you are a male, born on or before February 24, 1987; and
    � If you did not have an application for asylum pending on January 16, 2003, or if you are
    not otherwise exempt as described in the attached questions and answers; and
    � If you will remain in the United States at least until April 25, 2003.

    So irrespective of the above regulation you should have registered if you are from the stated regions unless the original regulation also stated the above points. In that case you need not register based on the 1st point but would have to register based on the 4th point ***If you will remain in the United States at least until April 25, 2003.****. So cannot understand why you were mislead....

    The original regulation does not include my country and therefore the extension. The requirements in the document uses the word AND, not OR. So even though i will remain in the U.S. after April 25, 2003, i should still be exempted since my last entry date to U.S. was after Sept 30, 2002.

    Is my lawyer and me the only people that interpret it this way?

    nissan skyline gtr 2009. Nissan Skyline 2009 Gtr. innissan skyline gtr 2009. Nissan Skyline 2009 Gtr. in
  • Nissan Skyline 2009 Gtr. in

  • PD_Dec2002
    06-12 07:56 PM
    evl is employment veriication letter
    My new employer does not do any type of sponsorship and I was going to go to the previous employer, but they are not doing very good now:(

    So if I understand you correctly, you filed your I-485 while you were working for the new employer, but got your old employer to give you the evl so it would appear as if you are still with the old employer?



    nissan skyline gtr 2009. Nissan Skyline r34nissan skyline gtr 2009. Nissan Skyline r34
  • Nissan Skyline r34

  • deardar
    09-14 08:44 AM
    Flying to DC for their GC.............

    Happy to know that there are still people who like and know how to make a difference.

    nissan skyline gtr 2009. The Nissan Skyline GTR is onenissan skyline gtr 2009. The Nissan Skyline GTR is one
  • The Nissan Skyline GTR is one

  • veni001
    11-05 06:55 AM
    Can employer revoke 140?? It is not a visa. Ofcourse they will have to revoke an H1b, however, what is the argument that you have that indicates that employer should revoke 140?
    140 once approved belongs to the employee and can be revoked only if some fraud has been commited or rather some serious mistake. Otherwise all the employer is supposed to do is to abandon the process further or inother words they will not continue to the next stage (485) if PD were to become current.
    This is what I get from watching several discussions on various forums. If you have other information please post.

    Employer can withdraw/revoke/notify USCUS he is no longer sponsor for that particular employee for the position, similar to H1B. You better check with good immigration attorney.


    nissan skyline gtr 2009. Nissan Skyline Gtr 2010 skyline gtr 2009. Nissan Skyline Gtr 2010 Price.
  • Nissan Skyline Gtr 2010 Price.

  • sukhyani
    01-27 10:51 AM
    Birth Certificate didnt have my name and my stupid lawyer had not submitted the employment letter. We then submitted my parents' affidavit, school records and employment letter.

    Later on my case was transferred to National Benefits Center and now this interview.

    nissan skyline gtr 2009. GTR News middot; Nissan GTR R35nissan skyline gtr 2009. GTR News middot; Nissan GTR R35
  • GTR News middot; Nissan GTR R35

  • stemcell
    02-26 01:21 PM
    Guys, Sorry for my ignorance but
    I was checking website and in "Immigrant Visas for East & West " section, its written

    An immigrant visa allows the person receiving it to live and work indefinitely in the United States. Immigrant visas are issued based on approved I-129F, I-130, I-140, I-360, or I-600 petitions that establish a family- or employment-based relationship between the petitioner and the beneficiary.

    I have my I140 approved through a american company and my h1b is getting expired in june 09.

    According to above wordings, I can get a visa to live and work indefinitely,based on my approved I140. I have never heard about it.

    Might be some one can explain what is exactly means.

    Thanks in advance!!!! lOas6VuVWZj874VfIUoa8/i/nDTCOq948rhTtLbfrAqki7SQQWSNLLD/GVTVwV9esxn7sbFyXKFBIf+0MhxDK3lO9SX9/icHZuOj59V0yrWmbfsA8p25o30TIxXH2iKk9vG7LmdlwDBGv8D MV/ZPB+VjmunVn3/J5jOdBHdnIQXmWzpfrp/QRvDdsax0+vpHY8y9UxMiJXWBkQgbatE9DwFZgut4/12t7UswvdMDdKj9uk1Aj8HjxeTpMC8IoZ2LHA==

    Having an approved I-140 does not mean you can 'indefinetely' work and live here automatically.
    It is ONE of the steps to clear on the road to legal immigration.

    Please consult your lawyer and he should direct you as to what to do next.......


    nissan skyline gtr 2009. 2009 Nissan Skyline Gtrnissan skyline gtr 2009. 2009 Nissan Skyline Gtr
  • 2009 Nissan Skyline Gtr

  • SlowRoasted
    04-24 10:29 PM
    i think i like the goose one most

    nissan skyline gtr 2009. his Donut King Nissan GTRnissan skyline gtr 2009. his Donut King Nissan GTR
  • his Donut King Nissan GTR

  • kumar1
    07-13 03:02 PM
    Can I open up a company while on H-1B? Can that company sponsor it's CEO's (that's me) GC in EB-1 category? After all, CEO should be EB-1. Can I then get some peons/servants from cheap countries on B1/B2 and pay them just per diem? Can I hire them first at my father's place in India and let them work at my father's place for 1 year and get them here on L1? Should I get them on L1-A or L1-B? My mom spends a lot of time in temples back home...can I bring her on Religious Worker VISA?

    BITZBYTZ...........can you think stright for a moment?

    nissan skyline gtr 2009. 2009 Nissan Skyline GT-R atnissan skyline gtr 2009. 2009 Nissan Skyline GT-R at
  • 2009 Nissan Skyline GT-R at

  • saurav_4096
    03-28 10:56 AM
    Thanks everyone for reply, I feel much better now.

    I had posted query to my attorney and looks like they sat on this and never replied.



    05-20 09:52 AM
    We are beneficiaries of my husband on a EB3 petition. due to retrogression issue,

    i think she fell asleep on keyboard, before she could finish the question :D

    07-14 01:08 PM
    Can someone confirm the same for BA via London?

    London requires all travellers without valid visa stamping to have transit visa, hundreds of threads out there that discuss this.

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